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Rodrigo Velasco

Founder / Creative Director

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Architect and urban planner from Universidad Iberoamericana with a master's degree in Management and Transformation of the City from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), he was also a beneficiary of the FONCA “Young Creators” scholarship in the period 2010-2011.

Professor at the School of Architecture of the Universidad Iberoamericana since 2021 and Anáhuac from 2008-2020 and visiting professor at the Center and the Faculty of Architecture of the UNAM. 

He has given conferences and workshops nationwide. His work has been exhibited at: The San Luis Potosí Arts Center, the Vasconcelos Library in Mexico City,  The University Museum of Sciences and Arts MUCA-Campus of the UNAM and the International Biennial of Architecture of Argentina (BIA-AR). He was Co-Director of the print and digital platform  dedicated to art and urbanism El Asunto Urbano and is currently a member of the Co-Director General of PREPOSICIONES, a digital platform for architecture, design, and urbanism.

After working in various offices in Mexico and Spain, in 2010 he founded Rodrigo Velasco Architect.

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