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ARV is an architecture studio, based in Mexico City and founded in 2010 by Rodrigo Velasco. We are specialists in real estate development projects and focus on design, thinking and regenerative businesses.

We understand that regenerative companies come onto the scene arm in arm with the economic model of sustainability and are contrary to the extractive economy. These companies focus on regenerating degraded natural, social and economic ecosystems by implementing a profitable business model that allows them to meet future market demands. Without leaving aside the communities that make life through the design of economic activities with positive impact.

We believe that architecture in the 21st century can no longer be based on the idea of having isolated buildings that are in cities, they must be tools that help the communities in which they exist. They have to weave urban and architectural relationships that produce a positive impact on the societies where they occur. This can help improve the economy and social relations and ecology through capital injections that occur at different scales of construction.

That is why the work is key in economies, since it can permeate in a transversal way all the economic sectors that intervene in it, from the highest sectors to local microeconomies. In this way, financial interests are not in conflict with social, economic, human and transformation interests; on the contrary, together they generate a symbiosis that makes financial capital grow.

As an architecture studio, we are always looking for projects that represent a challenge, starting with a strong research stage and locating the user's needs and then exploring the different ways of approaching problems to diversify their solutions.

Each future building must be thought of in a particular way to be analyzed within a clear design strategy, achieving a result that transforms the relationship of the dialogue between the projected architectural object and its environment. Our multidisciplinary team works hand in hand with clients and in collaboration with experts in different fields to achieve the necessary knowledge, gain value and establish the method at the service of the project and its areas of influence. We perfectly understand the needs of each of the actors participating in the development of the projects. Through project diagnoses, we set out to provide specific answers to our own issues.

We focus on re-thinking what exists, seeking to demolish myths and face the challenges offered by contemporary society, involved in constant changes. We look to the past and present to try to shape a better future. Our projects are a manifestation of today's world and how we want to live in tomorrow. Taking into account the context, we develop around it and seek to generate a dialogue with it.

Our services include:

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