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We are always looking for projects that represent a challenge. Under a methodology  of research and locating the needs of the user and the environment, to later explore the different ways of tackling problems and diversifying their solutions. Each future building must be thought of in a particular way to be analyzed within a clear design strategy, achieving a result that transforms the dialogue relationship between the projected architectural object and its surroundings. Our multidisciplinary team works hand in hand with clients and in collaboration with experts in different fields to achieve the necessary knowledge, gain value and establish the method at the service of the project and its areas of influence.  

RV/A Office

We fully understand the needs of each of the actors involved in the development of projects. By diagnosing the project, we set out to give specific answers to our own issues.

We work hand in hand with our clients and investors, closely with our collaborators and work network, to achieve a result that, in the same way, becomes a business strategy that has the power to go far beyond what was originally intended for us. It was requested.


Rodrigo Velasco

Founder / Creative Director

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